Above: Jay Carlon & Johnny Nguyen
in float the mark, a collaboration with Ranu Mukherjee (2023)

"Emotional and socio-political contents ride underneath the surface of a rigorous vocabulary"

“As always in Mohr’s pieces, there is a sense of improvisation, fluidity, and ephemerality.” 
Piedmont Post

"Insistently inventive" — East Bay Times


Current projects

score for transitional times
premiered January 6-10, 2025
a commission for Moody Center for the Arts, Houston

Kicking off a season of art at the Moody Center for the Arts featuring artistic responses to the climate crisis, score for transitional times is a performance installation and a collaboration between multidisciplinary artists Hope Mohr and Ranu Mukherjee featuring an international ensemble of four dancers: Kayla Collymore, Donna Crump, Suzette Sagisi, and Tegan Schwab-Alavi.  

score for transitional times features a scene, or tableau vivant, coalescing and falling apart according to different time signatures. The dancers repeatedly enact this scene, which draws from lineages of resource extraction, according to visual scores by Mohr and Mukherjee. These visual scores, hybrid forms on muslin that combine drawing and sculpture, hang in the space on moveable screens to become part of the choreography.  The scores prompt performers to explore layered expressions of tempo and rhythm. 

score for transitional times asks: 
How can we connect to multi-dimensional senses of time through somatic practice?

Image credit: Hope Mohr
Three minutes (sound for ravens) (2024)
Pastel, felt, and acrylic on muslin
69” x 69”



Dancers Rosemary Hannon (up) and Belinda He (down) practicing Partial View, a long-form contact improvisation duet exploring the somatics and performance of partnering. Partial View invites the audience into co-directing the score alongside the performers. Read more about the work HERE.


“You will, I think, be very much moved … [Bacchae Before is] a stunner. See this, and your understanding of the feelings and experience of transgender children and adolescents will never feel quite the same…. a wonderful achievement.”
- TheatreStorm

Bacchae Before distills and refracts a classical text of frenzy and filicide through a trans-centered, gender-affirming perspective.”
-KQED Arts